Being stuck with the same Telecom Service Provider has always been an impediment to healthy competition between the mobile operators. In the past subscribers were discouraged from switching their service because they had to give up their number. So, even if other mobile operators offered cheaper services, people mostly stayed with their current provider.
Then came Mobile Number Portability, a technology that offered the possibility to a subscriber to switch the service provider but retain the phone number. First introduced in 1997 in Singapore, then in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and the Netherlands, it is now widely implemented in varying ways across the globe.
Whilst this service is great for consumers it causes headaches for companies sending large amounts of SMS and Voice calls because they may not know where to route the traffic correctly to which network if the number is ported.
At TMT we have a solution to this. Our Velocity service identifies the current network provider for any number anywhere in the world. Our support teams have integrated a full number range plan, mapping all allocated and available number ranges to operators. Therefore, even if a number is not in our portability database (because it has not been ported yet), we can return the correct routing information.
Our customers use our service hundreds of millions of times every day, billions of times every month. They use TMT because they know we help them reduce costs, provide a superfast response time and improve their delivery success rate.
At present the most popular countries for this service from us are India, Japan, France Brazil and the United Kingdom and we are introducing new countries with Number Portability all the time. We have recently introduced China, Faroe Islands, Uzbekistan and are due to go live with Ireland and Philippines soon migrating them to MNP data sources.
TMT has truly global coverage, having access to porting information for the countries where the portability services have been enabled. Our data is from authoritative sources such as regulators and Mobile Network Operators, updated at least once a day to ensure our customers get the most accurate porting information.
Last updated on August 7, 2024
We provide the most comprehensive device, network and mobile numbering data available
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