TMT ID is a leading provider of data, intelligence and analytics, helping customers find extra value from the information they hold. Our team of technology and telecommunications specialists has a proven track record empowering companies, brands and agencies around the world to better understand their businesses and their customers. TMT ID has a suite of technology and telecommunications data available, for further information, please visit or email
This phase is where the Customer requests authorization to perform an authentication for a given device.
The Customer requests permission to make an Authentication query and receives a timebound token for that transaction. The Customer also must request which authentication technology is required for this transaction.
grant_type required | string The value must be “client_credentials”.By passing this value the service will return an access_token for direct access to the services. |
scope required | string Scope must contain the requested services. It can be authenticate and/or otp concatenated with a “+”. |
{- "access_token": "v4.public.eyJzY29wZSI6ImF1dGgrb3RwIiwidXNlcl9pZ…",
- "expires_in": "3600",
- "token_type": "Bearer"
The get_config endpoint will return specific instructions on how to begin the session with the relevant MNO and how to send the OTP message.
The Customer requests the specific telephone number that requires authentication. In response to this stage TMT ID will return the specific uri that the handset must call for the Silent Authentication (where appropriate).
client_ip required | string The IP of the user needed to be authenticated. This is required by some MNO’s for validation. |
correlation_id | string or null It is used to correlate the transaction across all components(authenticate, validate). It must be unique to the instance of the transaction. |
msisdn required | string The phone number that needs to be authenticated by our system in E.164 format. |
redirect_uri | string or null Predefined callback url to be used in the session and send the request back to the client |
{- "authorize": {
- "ajax": "true",
- "request_config": {
- "headers": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "parameters": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "request_type": "POST"
}, - "correlation_id": "Noo7siol1Yj763XTRDidILTv96ly9kFS",
- "expires_in": "600",
- "id_token": "v4.public.eyJqdGkiOiI3…",
The validate endpoint will return whether the phone number was validated successfully or not and the service used in order to achieve the authentication.
Security mechanism that allows the Customer to check with TMT ID that a handset had correctly authenticated.
code | string or null Code obtained from the authenticate request on redirect_uri |
correlation_id | string or null The correlation_id submitted through the get_config request |
id_token required | string Provided in the get_config request |
otp_code | string or null Provided only if we need to validate the user using the OTP service |
payload | any or null JSON Response obtained from the authenticate or otp request. |
{- "code": "64a5b19-457a-4d30-a5c4-038c62dcssfg3",
- "correlation_id": "Noo7siol1Yj763XTRDidILTv96ly9kFS",
- "id_token": "v4.public.eyJ2ZW5kb3JfdHlwZSI6IkVFIiwianRp…",
- "otp_code": "123456",
- "payload": null
{- "authenticated": "true",
- "correlation_id": "Noo7siol1Yj763XTRDidILTv96ly9kFS",
- "service": "authenticate"
Authenticate with Silent Network Authentication method
The authenticate endpoint will execute the Silent Authentication against the Operator wherever this is supported.
id_token required | string Example: id_token=v4.public.eyJuZXR3b3JrIjoiVk9EQUZPTkUiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiZDFmYTA2ZDQtOTM1My0xMWVkLTgzZWQtNGY4ZGVjMDc1ZWM4IiwibmJmIjoiMjAyMy0w... Provided in the get_config request |
{- "session_id": "pYXQiOiIyMDIyLTEyLTEyVDEyOjI4Oj"
Authenticate with One-Time Password method
This specific endpoint will be triggered by the Customer and in case of success a special form where the user needs to input the OTP code needs to be displayed in the Customer APP.
id_token required | string Example: id_token=v4.public.eyJuZXR3b3JrIjoiVk9EQUZPTkUiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiZDFmYTA2ZDQtOTM1My0xMWVkLTgzZWQtNGY4ZGVjMDc1ZWM4IiwibmJmIjoiMjAyMy0w... Provided in the get_config request |
{- "session_id": "pYXQiOiIyMDIyLTEyLTEyVDEyOjI4Oj"